In the interest of providing a solid product to peer reviewers, pre-acceptance reviews are done on manuscripts submitted to FastTrack for peer review. CAHNRS Communications editors conduct these pre-reviews, and program directors use the information to make their decision about readiness for peer review.
This pre-review does not take the place of post-review, pre-publication editing.
Criteria for Acceptance
Before being accepted for peer review, manuscripts must be complete and free of basic defects in spelling, grammar, and organization.
If a manuscript has any of theses three fatal flaws, it will be returned to the author for revision before being considered for peer review.
- Sources not cited. WSU Extension will not publish any paper that does not cite references where necessary.
- Substantial overlap with items already published in the WSU Extension Online Store.
- Does not follow WSU Extension author guidelines.
Note: Passing this pre-review does not predict or guarantee successful peer review or subsequent publication for any manuscript.
Editors will not review numerical data in spreadsheets: accuracy of spreadsheets is the responsibility of the author(s).