Welcome to the College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences (CAHNRS) and WSU Extension Photo Archives.
This collection includes more than 500 images on a wide variety of topics taken by WSU faculty and staff over many years. The collection includes current and historic images relating to research, teaching and extension work as well agriculture in the state of Washington.
This collection of digital images is offered as a free service in order to provide the public with a wide range of current and historic images relating primarily to agriculture in Washington state and Washington State University’s contributions to agriculture through research, extension and teaching.
Text searches will return thumbnails of all images with matching text in their descriptions. Click on the image to see the highest resolution available. (You can resize the high-resolution image in Explorer 7 and Opera by holding the Ctrl key and scrolling with your mouse wheel.)
Photo Release
All photographers taking photographs intended for use in any University publication of a marketing or a public relations nature, such as newsletters, brochures, view books, promotional items, or other such material, must obtain a signed release form (pdf) from any student, faculty member, staff person, or member of the public who is visibly recognizable in the photograph. Crowd scenes taken in a public location where no single person is the dominant feature are exempt.
Releases also must be obtained for photographs used on the Web. These rules are not in effect when photographs are taken of news events, but photographs taken for news purposes require a release for reuse in marketing materials.
Save Image to Hard Drive
For Macintosh computers: Hold down the Control key, click the mouse on the image and from the pop-up menu click “Save Image.”
For PCs: Right-click the image and from the context menu click “Save Image.”
This database was built in partnership with the WSU Libraries Department of Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections.
Use Statement
Please read before using images: The images in this collection came from many sources and to the best of our knowledge are not copyrighted. We will remove any copyrighted images from the site if notified. While we have made every effort to accurately describe the images, some errors may occur. Please notify us of any errors in photo description and we will correct them. Include the URL of the images(s) with any communication. You may use these images for non-commercial, educational and informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits and Internet Web pages, including personal Web pages. The following photo credit is requested: Photo courtesy of Washington State University.
Other Photo Collections
Be sure to check the usage terms and conditions before using an image from the following collections.