How to prepare for the migration of your CAHNRS or Extension website

The CAHNRS web team is working with leadership to improve the usability, accessibility, functionality, and design of all CAHNRS websites. That work includes migrating all websites to the WSU Web Design System and aligning all websites with the current University brand. This is great news for all CAHNRS and Extension website editors and contributors, but more importantly for our external audiences.

Current projects include the WSU Extension website and county websites. Those sites will undergo a redesign and update with migration to the WSU Web Design System. The update will connect our educational outreach and research projects in ways we have not been able to in the past. For example, educational outreach events can be easily posted on the CAHNRS events calendar, and research findings and news stories will be readily available to our audiences in several locations.

Successful migration and redesign require your help. To that end, we have developed instructions and provided answers to some frequently asked questions for website owners and content contributors.

Download a copy of site migration instructions (pdf)

Download a copy of site migration instructions (pdf)

  1. Determine your site owner.
    1. Typically, this is the unit/program/county director. This person has the final say on website structure and content changes as well as budgeting.
    1. Review the Website Editors and Owner’s Responsibilities section on the Digital Accessibility web page.  
  2. Determine your site contributors. Make a list of all people who have or need editing access to your site.
  3. Review the Digital Accessibility website. Especially focus on the Core Concepts page. You can also download the Core Concepts Check Sheet (pdf).
  4. Take the required WSU Digital Accessibility assessment. All website contributors must take and pass this training annually.
  5. Meet and/or communicate with your site owner and all content contributors.
    1. Ensure you are all on the same page regarding migrating your website.
    1. Make sure all contributors are aware of the Website Editors and Owner’s Responsibilities section on the Digital Accessibility web page
    1. Make sure all content contributors take the required WSU Digital Accessibility assessment.
  6. Meet with the CAHNRS web team.
    1. Request a meeting to discuss migrating your website. The site owner, and all content contributors should attend to ensure we are all on the same page.
    1. Before we meet with your team, we will develop a comprehensive content evaluation template that will aid your team in reviewing your web content. We will send it to you prior to our first meeting so we can discuss it during our meeting.
    1. We will determine your web support needs during this meeting.
  7. Add the code provided on the Checking Links page to your CSS on your website to help you find empty, open in a new tab, and # links. If you don’t have access to edit your CSS or need assistance with this, the web team will do this for you at no cost.
    1. These links must be fixed to meet accessibility guidelines and WSU requirements.
  8. Use the provided content audit template to review your website.
  9. Assign an owner to every page.
    1. On every page, complete the following:
  10. Review the content for accuracy. Is it current? Is it needed?
    1. The provided content audit template will include Google Analytics data for the last year. If your page has had less than 5 or 10 views in that timeframe, you might consider deleting/archiving it.
    1. Look for typos.
  11. Check every link.
    1. Review the Links page on the Digital Accessibility site.
    1. Look for broken links and update where needed.
    1. Links to files or other digital formats should be indicated in the link. For example:
      1. Faculty & Staff Nomination Form – this is a linked PDF, but the user won’t know that until they click on the link. It must be updated to: Faculty & Staff Nomination Form (pdf). This is required for accessibility purposes.
        1. Does the link include a redirect? For example:
          1. The link on your website is, but the link redirects you to:, then you must update the link on your website be the destination link. Redirects are put in place as a temporary fix to reduce broken links.
      1. Does the link open in a new tab? If so, update the link so it does not open in a new tab. This is required for accessibility purposes.
      1. Does your page include URLs as links instead of descriptive linked text? For example:
        1. instead of Digital Accessibility Assessment. If so, all linked URLs must be updated to reflect the page destination.
      1. Make sure your heading structure meets accessibility requirements.
        1. Review the Headings page on the Digital Accessibility website for more information on the importance of headings, common errors, and best practices.
      1. Make sure all images have descriptive alternate text. This is required for accessibility unless the image is a decorative element only.
        1. Review the Images page on the Digital Accessibility website for more information on the importance of alt text, decorative images, linked images, and common errors.
      1. Make sure you are not using tables for layout.
        1. Review the Tables page on the Digital Accessibility website for more information on the importance of tables, data tables, simple and complex tables, and layout tables. This page also includes information on common errors and best practices.
      1. Make sure all your audio and video content are accessible.
        1. Review the Audio and Video page on the Digital Accessibility site for information on the importance of transcripts and captions.
  12. Once you have finalized your site review and have updated all content, schedule a kickoff meeting with the web team to discuss migrating your site.
    1. Due to our current project load, we will not add your site to our project calendar until you have finished your content review and we have met to discuss your site migration.
    • There are three options available to you for migrating your website:
      1. Start from scratch and only move over the content you want. We would set up a stage site for you and you would do the work. There is no cost for this option.
      2. We migrate your site as it is and you fix any layout and formatting issues. Sites don’t always migrate nicely, so you will need to go through the entire site after migration and fix any issues/errors you find. This is also a free option. 
      3. We migrate the site for you and fix any layout and formatting issues. We also fix all accessibility issues we find. This option does have a cost. Our cost sheet is located on our website. 
  13. Review the available training resources to prepare for managing your new website.
    1. Attend virtual open lab on Wednesdays at 11
    1. Review the WordPress Training and Resources.
    1. Review the CAHNRS YouTube Training Library.
    1. Schedule a 1-on-1 training with our web team and your county/unit/department.
      1. Note: we provide up-to 2 hours of 1-on-1 training. Most users find it most useful to do this after their new site is live.
    1. Review the training materials developed by the University Marketing Web Team
      1. Web Design System Training
      1. Getting Started in WordPress
      1. Your WordPress Website in the Web Design System
      1. Blocks
      1. Plugin Training

Please allow at least 4 weeks for this process. We will provide the timeline for you once we start the migration.

  1. We zip up your site and migrate it into the WSU Web Design System.
    1. This will not affect your live site.
    1. Note: If you make any changes to the live site during this time, you will also need to update the new site once it’s live.
  2. We review all pages and clean up code and page layout issues.
  3. What we don’t do:
    1. Update your content, which includes updating broken links, typos, or other errors. We will provide that information to you if we come across it.
  4. We enable all needed plugins.
  5. We ensure all functionality is working as it should.
  6. We identify and fix all accessibility issues.
    1. Note: If you address accessibility issues before we migrate your site, it reduces the amount of time our team must spend on your migration, which will reduce cost for you.
  7. We provide you with the link to the new site so you can review it and set up a meeting with your team to go over any areas of concern or question.
    1. If you have taken the required Digital Accessibility Assessment, we will give you access to the staging site so you can make any needed edits or adjustments before launching your new website.
  8. We apply any final changes/edits.
  9. Once approved, we put in the request to launch your new site.
    1. This can take up to two weeks, but often takes a week or less.
    1. It will seamlessly switch over to the new site once it’s live.

  1. Review your site.
    1. Note any errors or issues. Contact the web team for support, if needed.
  2. Make sure all content contributors have taken the required Digital Accessibility Assessment, we will give you/them access to new website once that is complete.
    1. Note: Please do not add users to your site. We must first confirm their digital accessibility training status before they gain access to a website. If you want to add someone to your website, please fill out the Web Support Form.
  3. Attend virtual open lab with the CAHNRS team on Wednesdays at 11.
    1. This is a drop-in style meeting where you can get support updating/managing your website. We also provide updates on changes to the WSU Web Design System (WDS) and specialized training.
  4. Attend virtual open lab with the University Marketing and Communications web team on Fridays from 9:30-11.
    1. This is a drop-in style meeting where you can get support and training on the WDS. You will also get updates on continued development of the WDS.
  5. Schedule a training with the CAHNRS Web Team.
  6. Subscribe to updates from the CAHNRS web team.
    1. We send a weekly email that includes reminders about upcoming trainings, open labs, newly launched websites, and general web updates.
  7. Contact the CAHNRS web team using the Web Support Form if you need support.

What does migrating our current site mean?

  • All CAHNRS websites, including the WSU Extension site and WSU Extension County sites, must be migrated to the WSU Web Design System. The new system has a new editor, called the Gutenberg Block Editor. This will require website owners and editors to learn a new editor.
  • There is a cost associated with the site migration. Refer to our cost sheet for more information. If cost is an issue, please reach out to the web team.
  • Recent experience indicates that learning the new editor is straightforward.
  • There is a plethora of resources for learning listed below.

What can I do to prepare for the migration?

What resources are available to help me with this process?

What can I expect during this process?

  • Regular communication from the CAHNRS Web Team. 
  • Regular training opportunities and support from the CAHNRS Web Team. 

Who is managing this process?

The CAHNRS web team is working with leadership, program unit directors, web editors, and web content contributors to plan for each project.

What is the timeline for the WSU Extension and County websites?

  • The timeline for the main Extension website is Spring 2024.
  • County sites will follow. Not all county sites will be migrated at once. We will migrate county sites based on readiness, meaning those who have been thoroughly reviewed and updated will be migrated first.
  • We will communicate timelines for county sites with county directors and site owners.

What is the timeline for the remaining CAHNRS websites?

  • CAHNRS supports 240+ websites. Approximately 120 sites have been migrated an/or deleted/archived. We hope to have all websites migrated to the WSU Web Design System by the end of 2025.
  • The timeline is dependent on several factors, including readiness to migrate, the amount of support needed from the web team, and the current project load of the CAHNRS web team. If you want to discuss migrating your website, please schedule a meeting with the web team to discuss the scope of your specific project.

How do I get my website in the queue to be migrated?

  • Fill out the web support form to set up a meeting with the CAHNRS web team.
  • Make sure your site is ready to be migrated. Refer to the above information on steps to prepare for a site migration.

How will the new editor differ from the current editor?

The new editor is quite different from the classic editor, however, nearly all website owners and editors who have made the transition feel the Gutenburg Block Editor is significantly easier to use than the classic editor. We have many resources available to assist all website owners and editors

Do you have any examples of CAHNRS websites that have been migrated to the new WSU Web Design System?

Yes, we have many examples. Here are a few:

What should I do if I have questions or need help?

