Online Bookstore Updates

2024 WSU Extension Online Bookstore Updates:
New and Revised Print Publications

TitlePub #
(Book Code)
Crop Protection Guide for Tree Fruits in WashingtonEB0419Revised25January
Establishment and Management of Switchgrass
for Forage and Biofuel Under Irrigation
EM125ENew - Online OnlyN/AJanuary
Managing Mosquitoes in Washington Irrigated OrchardsFS386ENew- Online OnlyN/AFebruary
Pest Management Guide for Grapes in WashingtonEB0762RevisedN/AFebruary
Why do Leaves Turn Red? (Home Garden Series)FS209ERevisedN/AFebruary
Inland Pacific Northwest Pasture CalendarPNW708New - Online OnlyN/AMarch
Down woody debris microsites for growing black huckleberry shrubsTB98ENew - Online OnlyN/AApril
Italian Ryegrass Management in Inland Pacific Northwest Dryland Cropping SystemsPNW778New - Online OnlyN/AMay
Designated Forestland in Washington StateFS388New - Online OnlyN/AMay
Harvest Weed Seed Control: Applications for PNW (Pacific Northwest) Wheat Production SystemsPNW730RevisedN/AMay
Use of Probiotics in Pacific Oyster and Manila Clam AquacultureFS387ENew - Online OnlyN/AMay