Open Lab, Wednesday November 29

Join the CAHNRS Web Team for Open Lab Wednesday at 11. We will be going over Web Accessibility during the first half of open lab. Bring any web-related questions or issues you have.

Join Zoom Room

Provide Feedback/Suggest a Training

If you would like to suggest a training topic or provide feedback on open lab, please submit your suggestions using our feedback form.

Get Support

If you have questions or need support managing your website, we have many resources available for you:

Subscribe to Updates from the Central Web Team

The WSU Central Web Team provides comprehensive updates weekly and virtual open lab every Friday. If you have migrated your website to the WSU Web Design System or are preparing to do so, we recommend you subscribe to announcements from their team and join open lab.

What’s New

The Marketing & Communications Department now offers marketing services and consultations. Visit the Marketing Services page on our website for more information.