Below are the core services that CAHNRS Marketing and Communications provides at no cost. Because the college and extension is quite large, most unit-level (department or county) projects are done on a pay for service basis. Please see below for additional information on our core and paid services.
Core Services
- Maintain visual branding resources and logos for CAHNRS and Extension
- Provide design consultation for Extension programs and county offices
- Design student recruitment materials for Academic Programs
- Provide design support for college level websites
- Design event materials for Academic Programs and CAHNRS Development (Fall Festival, CAHNRS Honors, etc.)
- Layout/design Extension publications
- Layout/design annual Reconnect magazine and various annual reports and funding proposals for Alumni & Development
- Provide editing for Extension publications
- Edit newsletters (OSG, GT, and VotV)
- Edit news releases
- Edit feature stories
- Edit five main Web pages/portals
- Edit ReConnect alumni magazine
- Write timely news releases
- Develop feature stories
- Take photographs1
- Organize media events
- Maintain web content on major landing pages
- Create/maintain content for CAHNRS newsletters (OSG and VoV)
- Writing for annual ReConnect magazine2
- Writing for electronic ReConnect magazine
- Maintain Extension online store
- Maintain physical inventory of Extension publications/materials
- Process online and phone orders
- Provide printing estimates
- Coordinate printing function
- Oversee FastTrack system
- Coordinate publications production with authors
- Organize publications inventory
- Ship Extension publications (24-hour turnaround)
- Provide storage and publications shipping services to county Extension
- Courier print jobs for departments
- Promotional or feature videos3
- Event coverage
- Oversee video module creation (peer reviewed)
- Oversee service center function
- Maintain WordPress content management system
- Optimize Web pages for mobile
- Consult with clients to ensure Website performance
- Test and ensure Website usability
- Provide regular Web analytics/performance reports
- Provide training for clients/users (online or Pullman)
- Maintain standard Web templates
- Create and maintain new templates
- Maintain a list of supported WP plugins
- Maintain html templates and html email services
Beyond Core Services
If the services requested are not any of the above, then service center fees will be charged for services as posted on our website and as described at time of placing order. Below is a list of examples of paid services not covered under core services:
- Marketing strategy and campaign plans
- CAHNRS or Extension event support (e.g. Women in Ag Conference, Beef Conference, etc.)
- Evaluation and Analytics
- Advertising and promotional expenses for non-grant sponsored projects
- Departmental newsletters
- Professional event photography
- Event Websites, micro-sites, or any custom Web design/development (except for CAHNRS Honors and Fall Festival)
- Toolkits
- Specialized training requests
- Custom logos or illustrations
Service Center fees for paid services
CAHNRS Marketing and Communications will perform work outside the scope of its core services for a fee, based upon personnel availability. Hourly rates for services are listed below.
Copy editing
- $38/hr, internal clients (CAHNRS, grant-funded WSU projects)
- $41/hr, external clients
Graphic design
- $56/hr
- $65/hr
- $85/hr, external clients
- Please note that most Marketing Services will be quoted a bespoke project fee
Video production and photography
- $67/hr
- Certified vendors – their going rate
Web design, development & updates
- $65/hr, internal clients (CAHNRS & Extension)
- $85/hr, external clients & Grant funded projects
1 Some events require professional level photography – costs should be borne by the requesting unit.
2 Alumni & Friends and CAHNRS Communications are developing a proposal to produce two print issues of ReConnect per year.
3 Major videos: quality and complexity is similar to the “Renaissance of Grain” video. Minor videos: quality and complexity is similar to PHM informational videos.